Guides and updates
Pensions and inheritance tax guide [136 KB .pdf]
This guide outlines the changes to pensions and inheritance tax following the Autumn Budget on 30 October 2024.Annual allowance tapering [60 KB .pdf]
This guide outlines the rules and includes case studies to help illustrate how annual allowance tapering affects pension savers.Maximising benefit flexibility on death [228 KB .pdf]
This guide explains the changes made to our Expression of wishes guide and nomination form and how to complete it.
Opening a new SSAS
Member application form [85 KB .pdf]
This form will need to be completed to add additional members to an AJ Bell Platinum SSAS.Additional Director form [55 KB .pdf]
This form is to be completed by any Director of a Company wishing to establish a new SSAS and who will not become a member of the scheme.Member's guide [101 KB .pdf]
Information on what a SSAS is, and how to make transfers, contributions and investments.Attorney and deputy information form [67 KB .pdf]
Use this form to notify us of any Attorneys or Deputies associated with the account.
Purchasing property
Property questionnaire [108 KB .pdf]
Allows us to consider whether a proposed property purchase would be an acceptable investmentProperty notes [54 KB .pdf]
Sets out the issues involved in purchasing a commercial property via your SSAS.Guidance notes for solicitors [114 KB .pdf]
Information for solicitors appointed to advise on the purchase of a commercial property within a SSAS.Guidance notes for surveyors [35 KB .pdf]
Information for surveyors appointed to advise on the purchase of a commercial property within a SSAS.Guidance notes for commercial lenders [34 KB .pdf]
Information for commercial lenders appointed to advise on the purchase of a commercial property within a SSAS.
Funding your SSAS
Transfer form [77 KB .pdf]
Gives your authority to transfer benefits from another registered pension scheme.Transfer in drawdown form [138 KB .pdf]
This form should be completed if you wish to transfer a pension to an AJ Bell Platinum SSAS from which you have already started taking benefits.
Taking money out of your SSAS
Benefits guide [97 KB .pdf]
Describes your benefit options, including lump sums, income drawdown and lifetime annuities.Benefit form - flexi-access and capped drawdown [174 KB .pdf]
Must be completed if you wish to start drawing benefits or add more uncrystallised funds.Benefit form - annuity purchase [183 KB .pdf]
Must be completed if you wish to purchase an annuity with part or all of your fund.Capped drawdown to flexi-access drawdown conversion form [135 KB .pdf]
Must be completed if you wish to convert capped drawdown arrangements to flexi-access drawdown.
Death benefits
Expression of wishes guide and nomination form [48 KB .pdf]
Your expression of wish helps us to decide who you would like to pass your pension funds on to after your death.
Literature for advisers
Adviser handshake [50 KB .pdf]
Sets out the terms upon which we will accept SSAS business from a financial adviser.