Funding your SIPP
Transferring into our SIPP [76 KB .pdf]
Use this form for information on how to transfer into our SIPP from another provider.Transfer form [154 KB .pdf]
Gives your authority to transfer benefits from another registered pension scheme.Transfer in drawdown form [117 KB .pdf]
This form should be completed if you wish to transfer a pension to an AJ Bell Platinum SIPP from which you have already started taking benefits.Additional contribution form [61 KB .pdf]
Use this form to make an additional contribution to your SIPP.
Guides and updates
Annual allowance tapering [60 KB .pdf]
This guide outlines the rules and includes case studies to help illustrate how annual allowance tapering affects pension savers.Pensions and inheritance tax guide [136 KB .pdf]
This guide outlines the changes to pensions and inheritance tax following the Autumn Budget on 30 October 2024.Carry forward guide [37 KB .pdf]
Information on how to carry forward unused pension contribution entitlement from previous years.Maximising benefit flexibility on death [228 KB .pdf]
This guide explains the changes made to our Expression of wishes guide and nomination form and how to complete it.
Opening a new SIPP
Terms and conditions (from 31 March 2024) [102 KB .pdf]
Terms and conditions for the AJ Bell Platinum SIPP effective from 31 March 2024.National Client Identifier hierarchy table [110 KB .pdf]
This table provides details on the National Client Identifiers that are required for different client nationalities.Attorney and deputy information form [67 KB .pdf]
Use this form to notify us of any Attorneys or Deputies associated with the account.
Taking money out of your SIPP
Benefits guide [134 KB .pdf]
Describes your benefit options, including lump sums, income drawdown and lifetime annuities.Capped drawdown to flexi-access drawdown conversion form [118 KB .pdf]
Must be completed if you wish to convert capped drawdown arrangements to flexi-access drawdown.Payment authorisation form [52 KB .pdf]
This form authorises the Trustee to make payments from the Bank of Scotland SIPP Account.This form authorises the Trustee to make the payment described below from the Bank of Scotland SIPP Account to the AJ Bell Youinvest Dealing Account or the AJ Bell Investcentre General Investment Account held in the name of the Platinum SIPP.Disinvestment request form [43 KB .pdf]
This form authorises the trustees to request the return of cash from an investment.
Death benefits
Expression of wishes guide and nomination form [163 KB .pdf]
Your expression of wish helps us to decide who you would like to pass your pension funds on to after your death.
Literature for advisers
Adviser charging agreement [53 KB .pdf]
Authorises us to pay adviser charges to your financial adviser.Describes and authorises changes to existing adviser payments and also gives consent for the payment of additional one-off fees.AJ Bell SIPP due diligence [60 KB .pdf]
An in-depth view of our business model and essential information to help with your research or due diligence.